Tips For Start-ups to Manage Your Appearance on Search Results

If you are an owner of a website, you must know the best practices of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). For many of you, it is simply a practice of displaying content on your website in a way that search engines like, but it is much more than that.

The fact is that SEO is a broad term, and it covers many technical aspects that entrepreneurs do not know. Even small modifications to your website can make a drastic improvement if they align with other optimizations. It means your modifications cannot be just limited to content, although it is king.

Why is your website not indexed?

Google spiders crawl billions of pages every day. Nonetheless, the sites will not be missed from being crawled. When you type your website’s URL and find yourself in search results, it means that you have been indexed. If you see your page has not been indexed, it could have the following reasons:

  • Google has not got time to crawl it yet.
  • The complex design makes it difficult for Google to understand the content.
  • Google received an error when crawling your page.
  • Google does not have permission to crawl your website because of your policy.

How to make it easier for Google to understand your content

Of course, you need to write for your users but do not forget Google crawlers need to understand how your content is effective for your users to display it in search results. The fundamental says that you should let Google understand your page the same way as users do. Not only will you be indexed faster, but you will also be able to get a higher rank in search results.

Create unique Meta tags and descriptions

Both Google and users check them to understand what the page is about. For instance:

<title>Personal Loans – Borrow up to £5,000 – Bad Credit Accepted</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”We offer personal loans up to £5,000 for both planned and unexpected expenses. Bad credit people can also apply without any guarantor and collateral”>


  • Using elements in <title> content that has no relation to the page.
  • Using vague and ambiguous text.
  • Using the same <title> content across your website. Google cannot understand how they all are different from each other. For instance, if you have two pages, £10,000 personal loan and bad credit pound 10,000 loans, the <title> content and Meta description will be unique for both pages.
  • The elements in <title> should be brief. Lengthy and complicated titles will take you nowhere.
  • Stuffing unwanted keywords in the <title> content and Meta description.
  • Using a generic description for your page and copying and pasting a chunk of content from your page into the Meta description tag.

Search engines also focus on navigation

You often assume that content quality plays a major factor in deciding the rank of a page, which is true to some extent. Still, Google also wants to see the role of the page contributing to the whole of your website and users’ experience. Here comes navigation.

The home page is the root page where you want to make your visitors land. But then you need to think about how you will move your visitors moving from the home page to a more specific page. For instance, if you have various types of unsecured loans, you can create their subcategory pages.

Google and users will know what kinds of unsecured loans you offer. Users can straightaway land the page they want.

Create a navigational page for your users separately

It is likely that a visitor may have a problem finding the page they want. To ease off their trouble, you should create a navigational page that simply demonstrates the hierarchy of your website.

  • Make sure it is a naturally flowing hierarchy. Add navigation only when it makes necessary to add internal links.
  • Avoid navigation using images. Navigation through text links makes it easier for Google algorithms to understand your website more effectively.

Make your website appealing

Compelling and useful content adds to the knowledge of your users and makes their lives more comfortable. You can do it by creating blogs, forums, social media services, and emails. Word-of-mouth marketing will help build the reputation of your business, and this will help you maintain a higher rank in search results in the long run.

Know what your users want

Think about what users might search to find you. For instance, during Christmas, people are in search of the best and most affordable accommodations. You can create a post on it. However, it does not make sense to do it when you have a business selling software.


  • Embedding text into images and videos as search engines cannot read it.
  • Rehashing content that does not add value to your users.
  • Duplicate versions of your content. The structure and presentation should also be different and unique apart from the text.
  • Keywords are aimed at search engines but are nonsensical to users.

Win the trust of your users

A website with a good reputation will have more favors for your users. Provide basic information like who publishes content and its goals, customer service information, etc.

Make sure you disclose all features of your products, including risks, especially if it is related to the YNYL category.

Suppose you provide loans for 5K. You should explain when they can be risky and how borrowers can avert them.

Show expertise and authoritativeness

Tell your visitors that the content on your site is created and edited by someone who has expertise in it.

If your niche is finance or health and fitness, it becomes more critical to have someone write for you who has expertise in this field.

The Final Comment:

You can manage your appearance on search results by handling all aspects. With a few tweaks, you can improve your ranking, but in the end, user experience is what search results are looking for in your site to determine your ranking.